Please use this form to obtain approval for making any changes to the exterior of your home including painting, replacing or repairing over 25% of your roof, installing a covered or uncovered patio, deck, radio, television, or other antenna or “dish,” fence, sign, paving, wall, walkway, exterior light, landscape, hedge, trees, shrubbery, or other planting, or any change in the grade of the property of more than six (6) inches.
Governing Documents
This is the first amendment to our Governing Documents from November 10, 2008 on file with the York County Recorder of Deeds, providing for the installation of sheds. For reference, search Book 1994, Page 341.
These are scans of the original documents from August 10, 2005 on file with the York County Recorder of Deeds. For reference, search Book 1747, Page 3039.
Helpful Handouts
This checklist is a quick-reference for new residents in the neighborhood. It covers the most common violations of the Governing Documents. This is simply a guide. It is the responsibility of every resident to review the entire Governing Document and follow all of the rules and regulations.
Please use this form to nominate yourself or another property owner to run for a seat on the Homeowners' Association Executive Board.